

We’re glad you’re here.

Thank you for the opportunity to share with you our passion for quality education at the Canandaigua City School District. We’re loved ones of students at CCSD. (We’re students and staff there too.) We want bright, healthy futures for every child in the district. We want truthful, rigorous, balanced education while also promoting school transparency, along with parent involvement and voice about what our children are learning and experiencing at school.

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But we’re also concerned.

We care deeply about the hearts, minds and futures of our children, and yours. We want to share with you our reasons for concern about what’s happening inside the hallways and classrooms of the Canandaigua City School District.

Dear Students

The majority of what you’re learning at school is excellent. But we are concerned for you. We think you are being led to believe…

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Dear Parents

You would do most anything to protect the health, safety and future of your child. We feel the same way about our own children. That’s why we became concerned when we discovered Canandaigua Schools’ messaging to our children.

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They need to know we care. Will you make your voice heard?

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About Us

We are parents, grandparents, students, staff, friends, community members, and voters within the Canandaigua City School District of the NY Finger Lakes region.

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