
We care about you.


Dear Students at Canandaigua Schools

Growing up isn’t easy.  (We’ve been there.)  You’re learning and experiencing so much.  You’re testing boundaries- figuring out what you like and don’t like, what abilities come easy and which ones take more work.  Some days the world may seem fine and others, all mixed up.  Friends and maybe family come and go.  Some days you want to hide and others you want to shine.  And this just scratches the surface.

We don’t know what brought you to our website today. But we want you to know that we care about you- your dreams, relationships, talents, education and what makes you YOU.  There is only one you on this entire earth.  The great things you are meant to accomplish (noticed and unnoticed) are for YOU to accomplish- no one else can do it or say it or be it exactly like you can.  

Your principals and teachers and coaches want to help you reach great potential.  However, some people at school have very different ideas about how to help you reach your potential.  The majority of what you’re learning at school is excellent.  But we are concerned about you.

We think you are being led to believe that your sexuality is the most important thing about you, that who you are romantically attracted to (or not) is what makes you special.  Or if you think your body doesn’t match your gender then it must be your Creator made a mistake- that you were a mistake- and now people at school can help you fix what your Creator messed up.  These messages are lies and it crushes us that you are being led to these deceptions.  There is so much more to you than your sexuality.  And there is no mistake about you.  You are incredible!

Please take time to poke around our website.  (Yes, we encourage you to read the “parents” section as well.)  We’ve included research and information we think is vital for you to know along with links to other valuable sites.

Please reach out to us by using our contact form if you have any questions or concerns and we will respond as quickly as we can.

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