The Petition

They need to know we care.

Your signature is vital.

Will you help make our voices heard to the Canandaigua City School District (CCSD) Board of Education?  They need to know we care about all students and that we are troubled by the school promoting its potentially confusing and damaging sexual ideologies to school children.  They need to recognize the right of CCSD parents to educate their own children about these controversial subjects, without the school (or government) pushing its own ideologies.

Your signature on this petition is vital to communicating to the school board that:

  • You care about what students are taught, including what beliefs and lifestyles the school glorifies and promotes to students;  
  • You want to protect students from being sexualized at a young age; and 
  • You want to protect the rights of Canandaigua parents to teach and direct their own children in accordance with their individual family’s discretion and beliefs.

This is not a petition.  Petitions on can be signed by anyone from all over the world.  The signatures on our petition can be legally proven for CCSD residency and are backed by SwiftCloud services who will provide affidavits of accuracy to the board of education if necessary.  Our petition zeros in on the voices of residents who can vote within the CCSD.  This petition- this cause- is for our children, our school, our community, our concerns. 

Your information will be kept private. Your name, address and email will not be posted anywhere for the public to see on our online petition or on our website. Eventually, however, the names of signatories and their residence addresses will be provided to those we are petitioning- the school board. But obviously that is the goal! We want to communicate to the decision-makers at CCSD that we are not alone and our concerns need to be recognized.

Do you know someone else in the Canandaigua City School District who might want to sign this petition? Please share this petition link with your Canandaigua family and friends!

Petition to the Canandaigua City School District Board of Education

We, the undersigned parents, voters, taxpayers, and residents of the Canandaigua City School District, believe that each child in this school district is equal in dignity and great value and therefore should be treated with respect and kindness. We love and care for all the students of this district and want to protect them from psychological, emotional, and spiritual confusion or possible harm. We support conscientious efforts to prevent bullying of any kind.

Because of our love and care for every individual student, we the undersigned, hereby call upon the Board of Education to stop and prevent the glorification of controversial sexual identity topics, beliefs and lifestyles in the Canandaigua Schools. This includes the controversial topics of gender identity, homosexuality and transgenderism. We believe the exaltation of these sexual identity topics cause premature sexualization of school children, which likely causes confusion and psychological harm.

We believe parents have the right to teach their own children about the aforementioned topics privately at home without administrators and teachers imposing their individual personally-held moral, political or religious views on students. Furthermore, we stand against the assertion that it is the public school’s responsibility to teach students its opinions and beliefs about sexual identity beliefs and lifestyles, as personal opinions and beliefs are not curricular. Sexuality is a private matter and only parents have the right to decide when and how their children learn about it.

We want all students to be provided with appropriately rigorous and relevant educational curriculum. If topics of sexuality are broached within school hours, we want complete transparency provided to the parents of those children with the authority to opt their child out.

Sign the Petition

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