Teachers And Staff

Dear teachers and staff of the Canandaigua City School District

Thank you.


Thank you for teaching, leading, guiding, listening, serving and caring for many of our community’s children.  Your work and expertise strengthen the possibilities for our future leaders, business owners, employees and citizens.  We are grateful for the time, sweat and sometimes tears you expend for the growth of our kids.  

We sympathize that you are in a tough position- and have been- throughout the pandemic and now with these cultural and moral struggles being played out at your job and possibly in your classrooms.  If you have similar concerns about what we’ve presented on our site, we want to support you in any way we can.  The organization, For Kids & Country, is a resource that we think you may find helpful.  We echo their words and sentiments to you.  We want to Embrace, Educate, Enlighten, Empathize, Encourage, and Empower you.


Do you relate to the feelings of some teachers from a Maryland school district? (See the article, Maryland school board to adopt new flag policy after teachers ‘bullied’ into supporting LGBTQ pride flag.) You know you provide a “safe space” for every one of your students regardless of religion, race, sexual orientation or gender identity. Those identities are not what make you care about your students. You care because you care about every child and every child’s future.

But have you felt pressured that if you don’t hang some kind of sexual identity flag that your peers and students will assume that you are NOT a safe space? Pressure at work to publicly support religious and political ideologies you don’t support encroaches on your religious and political freedoms. It is wrong to be judged and treated differently for your personally held beliefs. What matters is how you treat and teach every student.

Teachers’ Unions

For Kids & Country along with the new documentary, Whose Children Are They?, expose the role large teachers’ unions play in manipulating and pressuring you into accepting their sometimes political and religious agendas (such as pushing harmful sexual ideologies). Do you know where your union dues are going? If not, it’s important that you find out.

Did you know that since the Supreme Court decision, Janus v. ACSME in 2018, you are no longer required to pay union dues as a condition of your employment? Did you know that you can exit your union and obtain union alternatives? Your money no longer has to support agendas with which you disagree. For Kids & Country provides you the information you need to make a healthy change.

You are not alone. We are here to support you and help give you a voice. Please reach out to us anytime using our contact form and we will quickly respond.

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